Tuesday, May 17, 2011

And so it begins!

The first child had surgery on Tuesday. Before the surgery began of course, she had the pre-surgery butterflies, and who wouldn't with syringes going around like these.
The surgery went well, and her mother was able to see her soon after, which is always a great moment to witness. This little girl was quite the princess as well. When one of the local nurses went to get her clothes, she said, "Get me some milk as well." Watching her recovery was a great sight, and now her personality is bigger and healthier than ever. Great little girl.

After hanging out in the OR and the ICU quite a lot, I went out to the ward area to see all the others in need of surgery. Some had driven or ridden a buses for long distances. I went around asking their stories and trying to get a glimpse of who they were. This picture is of the future soccer team of Iraq. Almost every boy says the first thing he wants to do after surgery is play soccer, and that definitely makes me happy. I went out with some of the guards the other day to get soccer balls to give to the boys and play with them in the hall. Some of the girls jump in as well. It's been good times, but there definitely is tension in the air for those awaiting surgery or possibly awaiting a longer waiting period. There a lot of kids in need and a limited amount of medical professionals. All in all, though, people are really hopeful and the surgeries have been successful. I'll give an update of the other surgeries and relationships made among staff soon.


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