Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My Own Little World Cup Kurdistan

I was talking to a friend here, Alex, the other day about ways that people express themselves, and how often times the ways we physically express ourselves are extremely important. For me, my favorite way to do this is through Dugolie (soccer). While spending time in a place where English is not the primary language (even though most people seem to know quite a lot), I’ve been itching to get out and get to know people through soccer. A few nights ago we were told about a place where people play a lot of pick up soccer games, and what do ya know, three of us show up and we're immediately greeted and asked to play. The fellas we played with were really great guys, and I don’t need words to understand this. Just passing, running, and shooting is all we needed, quality soccer. All the guys we played with were different, some young, some old, some skilled, some not. While trying to act like I had skill, I soon was reminded that even though a man looks a bit older and on the chubby side, this doesn’t mean he still can’t meg you and make you feel pretty silly. We’ve come back a few times since that first night, and played with all types of guys, and made all kinds of friends. There has been one game where we had to prove that we weren’t just a couple American push-overs,and that was a great experience as well. A couple shoves into the fence and we’re good. I'm hoping to come back to Lambuth with some Kurdish style (still trying to figure out exactly what that looks like). Playing soccer with these people is just another way that the kurdish people have invited us into their lives allowing us to grow in our understanding and love for these people.

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