Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Hanging Out With Sheik (video)

The Sheikh's Smile from Preemptive Love on Vimeo.

Hey everybody, the other day we hung out with our close friend the Sheikh. I wrote a blog about him earlier. Here is the video that Jeremy made of us hanging out in a Hooka bar. Hooka is a big fancy way of smoking tobacco, and smoking it here is just part of the culture. It is as common as drinking tea. Just wanted you to understand what going on. While we were there he talked to us a lot about the evil of terrorism and hatred. Listening to him is really amazing to take part in.

1 comment:

  1. Bonnie: "Excuse me?!?! I did not raise you to go around hooka bars:)"

    David: hey prestion guess what!!......YOUR DEAD!!!!!!!! WHEN YOU GET HOME!!!!! XP

    Dad: way to go goooooooooooooooober!!!

    We all love you:)
