Monday, July 19, 2010

Hopeful Days in Turkey

So, I’m sitting the the airport of Sulaimania, waiting for our delayed flight. It’s a great time to catch everyone up.

This past Friday we had our banquet for all of the kids that PLC assisted in going to surgery this past year. All the families and the kids especially had a great time. The whole banquet was a culmination of what I’ve been working on this whole summer. All the kids were there, and they were running around with their healthier hearts while we played with them. Our friend and local Klash maker Aram was there to celebrate with us as well. Watching everyone interact was a great sight to see.

Now i’m headed to Turkey with all the interns and four children with their families who are getting surgery this coming week. Navar (nine year old girl), Chro (baby girl), Leah (infant girl), and Jeen (14 year old girl) are all about to have surgery. Hopefully, I’ll be watching these same kids run around at the banquet next year. This trip is also a bit of hope in the midst of a week of many problems and tragedy. This past Thursday there was an awful fire at a hotel two buildings down from our office. Thirty people died, most of them from smoke inhalation. A few of the interns photographed the horrific seen. There has also been a lot of politically influenced problems that have hindered PLC’s Remedy Mission (30 surgeries in two weeks in Iraq).

So knowing these four children here in this airport are headed to surgery is definitely a ray of light. Check out children that PLC is trying to help and send help more children to surgery:

(Sorry there are no pictures. With our internet in Turkey, we can’t upload any without paying more)

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