Thursday, May 20, 2010

So, I like to think that part of the reason I am going to Iraq is because of Juicy Fruit. Yes, that delicious gum. Let me explain. When I was little, a man that went to my church, Mr. Thornton, always gave all the little kids and I pieces of Juicy Fruit. It seemed just a kind little gesture, but as time went on more of these little gestures really made an impact on me. I eventually asked him to be my mentor during confirmation. Through these last few months of preparing to work with the Preemptive Love Coalition, I’ve been pondering alot about how our lives are filled with and shaped by selfless gestures that eventually culminate into something beautiful. I’ve always loved Mother Teresa’s view that we cannot do great things, only small things with great love (not quoted properly, I know), and throughout these last few months of raising money, I’ve had so many people go out of their way to help me raise the funds needed to get to Iraq. Wether it be through helping me cook 180 half chickens, giving me travel advice, donating to my trip, or praying for me, so many people have made investments in my cause that have helped me tremendously, and through this internship I hope to continue with this love given to me and share it with the families of Iraq. I am excited to contribute to the mission of PLC in any way possible and see the culmination of lots of love from lots of people helping to eradicate the backlog of heart surgeries needed by Iraqi children. Through these surgeries, children receive another chance at life, and people are able to look past there ethnic and cultural walls that keep us apart in order to help.

Thank you to everyone who has helped make this possible for me, and now I hope to extend the invitation to you to continue with PLC and I in helping these Iraqi children. The Preemptive Love Coalition now has the opportunity to help more kids receive heart surgeries in a shorter amount of time than ever before through their REMEDY MISSION program. REMEDY MISSIONS are international pediatric surgery teams brought to Iraq to help provide heart surgeries for children in need while also providing training for local doctors. PLC will be able to help provide 30 kids with life-saving heart surgeries at a fraction of the normal cost, and training local doctors helps insure the improvement of Iraqi Healthcare. Please, check out this amazing chance to save lives! The website for the REMEDY MISSION is:

I’ll keep you updated on my time in Iraq and the work of PLC (on a weekly basis maybe). Thanks for reading and please check in again soon.


  1. Love you bud :) Praying for you

  2. I cried... out of pride in how you have grown up to be such a fine young man. Not many are as mature as what you have shown taking on this endeavor. I am amazed - but not surprised of your decision to help others in this extreme. You have wonderful parents, grandparents, and family that have given you life lessons on how to do for others... and you have made the choice to do so. I love you and I wish you the best. I will be praying back here in Tennessee for your safety and for your mission to be a successful one.

  3. Mr Thornton's daughter Susan M said this blog brought tears to her eyes. You are touching many people here while doing God's work over there'
    Your friend Mr Andy

  4. Sounds like your having an awesome experience!! Cant wait to read more. Take care love you Pam and Louie
